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FCPS Programs Application Page

FCPS Develops Timeline for Districtwide Magnet & School Programs Applications Process 

Fayette County Public Schools (FCPS) has released a tentative timeline and robust strategy for its revised magnet and school programs application process. The districtwide showcase of opportunities – an information night for students and families – will be Saturday, Jan. 7, which kicks off the application window for 2023-24. The time and location of the event are pending, along with a booklet describing each of our rich, innovative curriculum offerings.  

“We have an opportunity to better market our school district,” Ron Chi, the acting chief innovation officer, said in his report at the Sept. 26 school board meeting. “We want to better promote and brand these programs.”  

The districtwide showcase will provide additional support and access for all families as we aim to remove barriers for underrepresented student populations. FCPS will also work with schools to identify prospective students and will target home-schooled and private school students.  


  • Jan. 7: Districtwide showcase event; time and location TBD 
  • Jan. 7-22: Application window. Students must apply during this period to enroll in a magnet or school program for the 2023-24 school year. 
  • Jan. 23 through March 3: Auditions, testing, interviews, and application processing 
  • March 8: Offer notifications start going out to families 
  • March 20: First round of accepted offers go to our Pupil Personnel staff  

Chi said the details would be finalized in October. 

This timeline – coupled with new application software that streamlines the process -- will give school and district leaders a chance to equitably inform our community and promote the vast opportunities available across our district.  

Note: Ours is not a first-come, first-served system. Families can apply anytime during the window, and all students receive equal consideration. 


Office of Innovation 

Magnets & School Programs 

Specialized Academic Programs 

Gifted & Talented Options 

General contact: Vee Pryor, programs manager, (859) 381-2105 

Revised Sept. 26; first posted Aug. 9, 2022